New Years Newsletter

Happy New Year Friends. If you’re reading this, you know me well enough to know that I usually don’t mince my words.  So, with 2022 upon us, here’ goes.  It’s a new year and time shake off the holiday hangover. It is time set goals, design a plan, and execute.  I have curated the top things you can do, right now, to set yourself up for success (see below). All services 50% off if purchased before Jan 7 for a little motivation, so let’s to get started. Contact us at to get started.

Coach Joel

  • Time to clean up the liver and lose that 20lb muffin top.  Sign up for our January Challenge (2wk liver cleanse and 2wk metabolic reset) to create a fat burning, muscle building machine.  This year I am incorporating weekly check-ins and an app to make it easier than ever to ensure success. 

  • Sign up for a Baseline Fitness Assessment.  It will identify your strengths, weakness with the metrics needed to develop a bullet-proof gameplan to achieve optimal health.

  • Join our annual Polar Bear Plunge with a quick swim in the Bay (Jan 9) sans wetsuit.  This worldwide ritual will help you develop a tough and tenacious mindset that swimming in freezing cold water helps cultivate

  • Set your training goals right now and join me in competing a handful of swim, bike, or run events in 2022.  Goals = Discipline.

  • Other than intermittent fasting, the one thing you can do to turn back the clock and increase your performance is to lift heavy weights.  In doing so our bodies responds with growth hormone (HGH) to build muscle and increased neuroplasticity in the brain, for a sharper, faster, crisper mind. It is key for great strength and performance gains!

  • Reset your circadian rhythm.  This will give you more energy, better sleep, less anxiety which is the foundation optimal living.

As always, don’t take my word for it.  Here are some quick science based reads/videos.