When it comes to performance, exercise is not enough.  Educating people about exercise and nutrition allows us to deeply affect one’s lifestyle and create profound effects on your overall fitness and health.    A future with less disease and sickness and a life with more energy to thrive.  Our experience, over the past twenty five years of coaching, is that education is only the first step of optimized nutrition.  Most people have very little understanding of the role of carbohydrate, protein, and fat play in fueling the body. And it’s not just what you eat, studies show it’s when you eat that is equally as important.  Furthermore, years of poor diet and alcohol can alter our microbiome and develop a poor liver function; making weight loss and performance nearly impossible.  This is why we start every program with a liver cleanse and metabolic reset; to biohack our system for immediate and sustained results.

The idea is to turn your body into a high-performance fat-burning machine.  To start, you will do a two-week cleanse to detox, followed by 2 week paleo reset and to reset your metabolism. In addition, we will add in Intermittent Fasting (IF) to enhance ketosis, autophagy, and the promotion of human growth hormone (HGH).  The combination of these strategies is unsurpassed at creating immediate and lasting results.  

Liver Toxicity / Inflammation Correlation

One of the most overlooked underlying causes of disease and weight gain is inflammation from a liver that is overburdened with toxins. Bringing health and balance back to the liver is often the missing key to sustained weight loss.  The liver is the chief operator of detoxification in the body. In our modern-day society, many of our foods are laden with hidden toxins. Over time, the demand on the liver is too high causing it to be more and more sluggish in function. It’s job of detoxifying blood and metabolizing fat is compromised and the metabolism slows dramatically. Contact us at admin@optimesf.com and get started NOW!

Symptoms of a poorly functioning liver may include:

  • Weight gain: Indigestion, bloating, constipation, gas or diarrhea, fluid retention

  • Altered cholesterol levels / Blood sugar abnormalities

  • Low energy / Foggy thinking

  • Poor sleep